Parent Support

As a club with young members, we look to our parents and caregivers to help us provide a healthy club environment for our gymnasts.  

Supporting your child is one of the best ways you can help their gymnastics career, our coaches do an amazing job of getting them to be the best they can and without your support and understanding as a parent/caregivers, this wouldn't be possible.

Helping out as a caregiver

Counties Manukau Gymnastics Inc. is a non-profit organisation, and as such we rely on the help of our members to raise funds to keep our equipment at a top standard for our gymnasts.  We get some extremely generous support from Our Sponsors through Grant Applications, however, a lot of our funds are gained through the competitions we run and the various other fundraising activities we undertake.  We can't do this without the help of our parents and caregivers, whether it be providing catering for competitions, providing time to help at events, selling raffle tickets or simply helping out with different committee based activities.  

We often call for volunteers, so please put your hand up.  If you are able to help in other ways, please email